

     Confident is a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something. Having a confidence when we speak give us advantages. We can be more relax when we socialized with people and when meeting new people. But I'm sure most of us including me, have a problem when speaking English-lack of confident. Even for people who have learn English for a long time, they also have the same problem. Here, I listed down 10 tips on how to become confident when speaking English. 

1. Have a motivation. For everything that we do in our life, we must have a goal that we want to achieve. For example, you want to become a good speaker so that you can persuasive your clients to buy your products. Having this kind of thoughts and goal can make you become more eager and try to become better and try harder.

2. Practice the pronunciation. English is a weird language. Sometimes, we read differently with what we write. One way to improve English pronunciation is we read out loud. Starting by reading a book for yourself. If you stumble with a new word, don't hesitate to search it on the internet. It's so easy nowadays. Then, you can ask one of your friend that are pretty good in English to help you.

3. Talk to yourself. This is my favorite method. Believe it or not, I always speak in English when I take a shower. I know this sounds like I'm a crazy person, but by doing this I can say that I become more confident when speaking English. When we often speak in English, we will become very good in pronouncing indirectly. But beware, don't let other people see you or they'll call you crazy.

4. Ignore the grammar. Whoa... Relax.. Don't be so angry dear English lovers. What I mean by this is don't overthink for the grammar when you speak. Many of us just don't have the courage to speak in English because we try to create a sentence that follow the grammar rules. Do you know, even a native English speaker didn't care about the grammar because it will just slow down our speech. So, just say what you want to say.

5. Learn with real examples. Have any of you think, how do we speak? I mean, you know when we were babies, we can't even say a word. But, how come now we can be so good in speaking. This is due to we listen and learn from people around us. They are the real examples that I mean. Try to talk with native speakers or we can try to learn from someone that good in English. Look for their gestures and styles.

6. Be steady. When we learn, we can't avoid in making mistakes. It's normal guys. Don't overthink it. Don't feel discourage. For me, I think we will learn better when we make mistakes. We will remember the mistake that we make. Keep trying and enjoy the conversation. Stay positive and be steady. You will become more confident when you feel relax.

7. Be prepared. Of course, everything that is well-prepared will end well. If you know that you will have to do a presentation in front of class, this is the most important thing.Begin preparing yourself as soon as you find out you will be speaking before the class. Now, this doesn't mean you must have your speech memorized three weeks before the due date. It simply means that you should follow a logical time line and know what you're talking about.

8. Learn and study phrases. Speaking English fluently means being able to express your thoughts, feelings and ideas. You’ll find that English is more useful in your everyday life if you study whole phrases, rather than just vocabulary and verbs. Start by thinking about phrases that you use frequently in your native language, and then learn how to say them in English.

9. Body language. Sometimes, by showing a confident body language, we can become more confident. When somebody isn’t confident at speaking English, people around them can tell.  They don’t necessarily know that it is the English you are uncomfortable with, but they perceive that you are insecure about something.

10. Keep calm. When we try to speak to people, try to calm yourself. Taking a deep breath helps to calm nerves and decrease stress. imagine a good thing in your mind. Follow the flow of conversation. Don't try to too hard otherwise you will feel disappointed if you make mistakes.   

     And those are the tips that I'm sharing with you. Speaking is different from writing or learning because it involves audiences. To become a good speaker, we need to become confident with ourselves.  Lastly, successful people are confident speakers.


Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.


    1. very useful tips Ain. i hope i can gain benefits from this to make me be more confident when speaking . thank you :)

    2. These tips you have shared are certainly very helpful. I do believe that speaking English is very hard but not impossible . Thank you for all these tips, Ain!

    3. These tips you have shared are certainly very helpful. I do believe that speaking English is very hard but not impossible . Thank you for all these tips, Ain!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Thank you for sharing ain, it give me motivation to learn more so that I can speak like native speaker.

    6. Confidence is not an easy thing to gain. But i believe that there's a way out for every problems. Just keep trying your best and never give up.

    7. as for me, my body languages iswill always be the problem.. thank you for the tips!

    8. thanks for this useful tips, ain.. I'll practice it wisely...

    9. It is such a nice tips, thank you for sharing it. Yeah, keep calm and speak English.

    10. Grammar is important when we are writing because that will proves how much we understand the uses of it. But when it comes to speaking hahaha just say whatever you think is right. No one would interrupt you saying 'hey girl! you are not supposed to use 'ing' after the word 'to' "

    11. such a wonderful tips, ain. thanks

    12. i will practice these later on thanks ain for the useful tips :)

    13. i will practice these later on thanks ain for the useful tips :)

    14. Your tips are really useful for me..I hope I can use it in my daily life to improve my confidence level when speaking in English.

    15. Your tips are really useful for me..I hope I can use it in my daily life to improve my confidence level when speaking in English.

    16. Thanks for the tips, Ain. I will practice more harder in the future with the tips.

    17. Some useful tips that can be use in my daily routine. Thank you very much for sharing!

    18. What a nice tips ain. I'll try to practice it. Thanks.

    19. Be prepared. If not, you can't make anything in a perfect way. By be prepared, you will gain confident and things will go smoothly as you plan.
